304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM


Laser Dentists Australia & the Australian Association For Laser Dentistry (AALD) are at the forefront of dentistry in Australia who are dedicated to promoting better dental care through the use of lasers. Our aim is to help patients understand how lasers are used in dentistry and the benefits that laser dentistry can provide.

We also strive to assist dentists to learn how laser dentistry can enhance the level of dental care they provide to their patients.

 This group ensures that Australian laser dentists can share information and expertise in regular forums, both online and in person. It contributes to research in the field of laser dentistry to ensure continual growth and development to the benefit of patients.

Other Laser Dentistry Information

Laser Teeth Whitening



Laser Dentistry Sites

ELURA – European Laser Users Research Association

ELURA is dedicated to laser research.

The site contains some detailed information regarding laser dentistry.


ESOLA – European Society for Oral Laser Applications

ESOLA is a society of laser users with members from all over the world.

The ESOLA site includes some useful patient information.